Looking to Join Our Vendor or Broker Program?

Small businesses often struggle with funding and growth. Your Finance Partner supports small to medium-sized businesses with our vendor and broker program, connecting borrowers with lenders to mutually maximize their interests.

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what makes our program different?

Details on the Program

How It Works​

You can become a vendor or a broker and start lending your capital to small businesses who, in turn, can pay higher interest rates and indulge in vendor financing with you as well. Seek long-term finance partners and reliable vendors and brokers through financial experts like us who can guide you along the process of finalizing your best financial match.


Your Finance Partner can help both venders and brokers to agree upon: • Customizable solutions • Make adjustable credit decisions • Get quick access to funds • Set flexible payments • Cultivate a strong relationship with their counterparts

How We Help​

With our Vendor and broker program, you can access the complete information regarding financing and leasing solutions. Help your clients find the best options to apply for working capital loans, equipment leases, or any other financial solutions best suited for their business needs with us.

How to Apply?​

Applying for vendor & broker program is a simple 3-step process: Simply fill out our sign up sheet. A consultant will contact you to retrieve essential information. Then we connect you to suitable lenders with the lowest premiums and guide you through the process.

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Vendor Sign up

Opporating As A Business

Sign up today and begin making extra trough customer referrals!

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Broker sign up

independently as a broker

Have a broker license? Sign up today as a business loan broker for YFP!

Contact Us

If you have any questions about signing up for our vendor or broker program, feel free to ask here.

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Have Questions?

Our team is here to help you with any inquiries.


[email protected]

Contact Us

Loan Requirements

Minimum Credit Score: 500

Time in Business 8 Months

3 Months’ Bank Statements

$20,000 Monthly Revenue

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